February 2011

Director Rulan Tangen heads north to Trent University in Ontario, Canada , at the invitation of Marrie Mumford  for :  Anishinaabe Maanjiidwin IX .Rulan will  lead a movement  project with students and community members, exploring indigenous perspectives on water and water issues, culminating in presentation March 19. This is conceived as a creative research and cultural protocol exercise for future choreography for Dancing Earth, which has been prompted by Native women elders for several years to address this element through performance.While at Trent, Rulan will also lead workshops for:- Introduction to Indigenous Theatre class, led by Marrie Mumford and Karyn Recollect- No Home but the Heart, production class led by Rosalie Jones "Daystar"- America Profundo - teacher Michael SaccoThis course is a comparison of Indigenous peoples of Canada, the US and Mexico (with a concentration on Mexico).  It will explore a number of topics including; the meaning of culture, the nature of community, agricultural practices, Indigenous ceremonies, resistance and inter-cultural encounters within the context of Indigenous knowledge in the three countries.- Wii-Kendiming Nishinaabemowin Saswaansing  (The Art of Learning Language in the Little Nest) , devoted to families and little ones who are committed to learning the language.


March 2011


January 2011