Summer News : Interconnecting Circles



Greetings to the Circle of Dancing Earth,

We are so grateful for the donations that have come in for our Artist Relief GO FUND ME Campaign! As of today our total donations are: $8026! Thank you! 

We have recently been offered a $5000 dollar matching gift! We need to raise $5000.00 by August 31st to receive this gift in full. Anything you give will continue to support artists of Dancing Earth and beyond in developing work that is created specifically to share in online venues, and to support artists with a living wage and work. Especially in this moment where BIPOC communities are feeling the toll the novel corona virus and the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement protests are having on the Dancing Earth artists in particular.

Dancing Earth’s ongoing creative, cultural, and communal response to this time is one of kinship between all voices as we recognize the need for solidarity and reciprocity. We want to acknowledge in gratitude all of the donations that folks have given of their creative time, attention, prayers, finances, and energy in holding space and hope for the change we all be more in balance and with reciprocity at the core of how we are more together than we are apart. THANK YOU!

As we reflect on the patterns of art relevant to change, I often feel the metaphor of HOOPS : interconnected circles that create new shapes and forms, what I call worldmaking.

Dancing Earth has always responded and survived challenges with tremendous creativity, reciprocal strength, and support from our community circles. Now, with ‘cyberworld’ emerging as an important part of our practice, our circles are expanding in reach and diversity, with participants gathering in cyberworld portals for our offerings, from across Native America, and eight other countries! top photo by Yoeme Homari : artist Luhme “Micco” Sampson




Between March and June we had over 100 Offerings of online events, lectures, classes and performances. Check out some of those here!

Arts Education

  • Rulan, Ras K Dee, and Kenny Ray Ramos joined other cultural teaching artists for an amazing summer program for youth of Graton Rancheria, who were so talented, and adventurous - working alongside mentors to create multi-disciplinary arts that they shared with each other online in the culminating gathering. Summer program centered GONA (Gathering Of Native America) facilitator Jeri Bruno’s Four principles of Belonging, Mastery, Interdependence, Generosity.

  • Guest class with Arcos Dance in Texas, leading to discussion of exciting virtual tour possibilities in Texas and nearby states!

  • Amazing collaboration with DreamRiders, to create dynamic, culturally rooted, ecologically focused, and action oriented videos for youth: Education: Planet Protector Academy

  • In collaboration with the Poeh Cultural Center, DE Teachers offered a nine class series for the Poeh community.

Cultural Sharing

  • For June PRIDE month, we featured a Two Spirit panel, featuring some of the amazing LGBTQIA+ artists and culture carriers we have had the honor with whom to work.

  • Stay tuned for the upcoming Afro-Native panel!

  • The Hoop Dance series, with extraordinary hoop practitioners sharing their practice and influences with an intergenerational audience!

  • Our first online Summer Institutes began in cyberworld this week!

  • Upcoming Practicing Principles of Ancestral Knowledge (PPAK). We are so honored to share some of the lifeways that our community of artists has to offer. Late July through August these include Blue corn preparation and Tamale making, and in collaboration with Mother Nature Center offering a Cordage, and Firemaking session. Stay tuned for autumn panel on Native Food Sovereignty!




Dancing Earth ARTISTS!

Dancing Earth has centered the care and support of artists since the moment all our 2020 live engagements were canceled. We have had weekly meetings of Artist Relief Cohort, for artist support which spans...  

  • Mutual caring for each other's humanity, health and well being.

  • Technical training for new skills of online teaching.

  • Internships in areas of marketing and management to grow entrepreneurial capacity.

  • Uplifting how we celebrate each other as individual artists within a powerful collective.

Company Star of the Week

July 25 - 31, Ciera Budge

Ciera Budge is a movement and sound artist born and raised in the Central Valley of California. She is Latinx, a mix of European ethnicity, and Northfork Mono (California First Nations). Ciera’s life IS movement. She has been dancing since she came out of her mother’s womb and has been researching movement and important ideas that she advocates and expresses through her movement.

Visit our Stars’ Portal HERE.




Indigenous Futurities

While the transformative neo-ritual of Indigenous performance will always be at the heart of our vision, we are excited for the challenge to create new forms of performance as virtual experiences!

  • And... re-visioning, re-scripting, re-story-ing, and rehearsing BETWEEN UNDERGROUND AND SKYWORLD to CYBERSPACE, stay tuned for introduction of our amazing collaborators who uplift Indigenous Futurity into new multi-dimensions of media experiences, and for online touring information this fall!

  • Our multidisciplinary artists have been growing their skills as filmmakers (including Natalie Benally winning the John Piento film award), and we are cultivating those skills to express transcendent ritual in our revisoning of BETWEEN UNDERGROUND AND SKYWORLD in CYBERWORLD production to be released this fall!


Sending prayers to you and your beloveds for good health, well being, peace, and justice as we all continue to move and grow through these turbulent moments of unknowing and uncertainty. Knowing that YOU are here with us on the journey grounds us in a resonance of connection! Thank you for your ongoing support of Dancing Earth!

With a Dancing Spirit,

Rulan Tangen, Founding & Artistic Director

Dancing Earth Indigenous Creations


100 Offerings During Covid, 2020


Company Star of the Week, Ciera Budge