Greetings Dancing Earth Community!

We have something very special for you which can help uplift you during this holiday season—and possibly take care of some of your shopping too!

This fundraiser is only going on for 5 days! So help us out and act soon! Link here: https://www.wombwords.com/dancingearth 


Here's the backstory... 

A long-time core company member—who is also a qigong and meditation teacher, energy practitioner and healer—has written a powerful and compelling book called womb words: gentle, loving communications for developing humans in utero.


Now stay with me… 

Briefly, womb words focuses on one of the most—if not the most—powerful time in a human’s development: the time of gestation. It provides a gently structured program which guides the reader to direct specific, positive energies toward the developing human to enhance the energetic, emotional, and psychic environment during that time.


No longer in the womb?... 

This program can also be used by those who are “ex utero” as well. In other words, by anyone. Anyone who is looking for exponential growth, healing, self-love, and evolution. The protocol outlined in womb words can do this.We can give ourselves the focused, loving attention—which most of us didn’t get while in the womb—in the the Here and Now. At the same time we can assist the evolution of the human collective, because as any one of us heals, grows, evolves, expands we add to the healing, growth, evolution and expansion of all. (Imagine thousands of people doing this program, focusing on the refined, powerful frequencies of Love, Abundance, Unity, and more, on a daily basis. Imagine what immense, positive benefit that would have for ourselves and our world.)


For the next 5 days, if you purchase womb words, the digital ebook and audio version, 50% of the proceeds go directly to Dancing Earth to help us continue doing the work we do, spreading awareness of planetary ecology, healing through movement, decolonization, and more through our performances and programs. 

You can make your purchase of the womb words ebook and audios at this secure, dedicated webpage:



The investment is $30 ($15 will go directly to Dancing Earth). After you order is complete, you’ll be able to instantly download the ebook and audios and start your journey with this material immediately. Thank you for your participation in this fundraiser and your generosity to us this holiday season!


2018 year at a glance !
