2008, August

Rulan Tangen_DANCING EARTH-solo-SFAI-August-2008

A busy month of presentations!On August 6th in the courtyard of the Santa Fe Art Institute, co-presented by Artworks, Rulan created a powerful 25 minute movement ritual titled BURNING DROUGHT. FLOWERING BONES, dedicated to memory of young Blackfoot/Maori air force pilot Billy Keys Jr, who passed away in May while in service. The solo evoked loss and regeneration, and incorporated a radiation mask re-decorated with paint and feathers. Other significant props included a suitcase, a coccon, and a long umbilical like rope attached to a tree. the courtyard architecture and trees shaped the composition of the choreography.That same day, we celebrated the marriage of Jaco Cortes and Ariane Estrada, congratulations! Now living in San Francisco, Jaco teaches folklorico classes as the leader of 'DANCING EARTH- Bay Area' training program, while Ariane works as a music teacher in public schools. On August 19, Rulan created a special event for the Blue Rain Gallery, a memorable evening integrating movement, fashion, jewelry, and music, with over 30performers modeling the jewelry art of 7 major designers. Later that week, for Indian Market, Rulan offered two unconventional performances. Roseta Santiago, featured painter at the Giacobbe-Fritz Gallery, commissioned Rulan to create a 'Spirit Walk' up Canyon Road on Friday August 22. Covered in clay pigment patterns symbolising ancient pottery, the solo was meant to honor the anonymous painters, potters and dancers who have walked on this landscape through the ages.On Saturday August 23rd, 2 soloists of DANCING EARTH ( Rulan, Ria and Nichole) danced at the Kiva Gallery just off the Santa Fe Plaza. Dressed in flowing sunset colored gowns, they were painted by artist Leland Chapin with motifs from the glass work of C.S. Tarpley, and danced to the vibrant live percussion of Barrett Martin of Fast Horse Recordings label. Advertisements for this special presentation were featured in THE SANTA FEAN and other magazines.


2008, October


2008, September